Jane Mayer

There are so many modern journalists that have paved the way and left big shoes to fill for those of us entering into this field. Jane Mayer is one of those journalists that I aspire to live up to. Her career as a woman in journalism is outstanding and her accomplishments plentiful.

Jane Mayer discusses her book 'Dark Money' and its ongoing ...
Mayer was born in 1955 in New York City. After attending two secondary schools, she studied at Yale University and became the senior editor for the Yale Daily News Magazine. She went on to continue her studies at Oxford University.

At the conclusion of her graduate program, Mayer began her career writing for two small newspapers in Vermont. In 1982 she joined The Wall Street Journal where she worked for 12 years. During her time at The Wall Street Journal, Mayer was the first woman to ever be named White House correspondent while also working as senior editor and front page editor. These accomplishments set the stage for her work as a war and foreign correspondent where she reported on topics such as the Persian Gulf War, the fall of the Berlin Wall, and so much more.

Aside from working at the Wall Street Journal, Mayer also contributed to an array of other big name publications. These include: New York Review of Books, The Washington Post, The Los Angeles Times, and the American Prospect.
Jane Mayer | The New Yorker
Reporting for papers was not enough for Mayer, and she put her investigative reporting talents into authoring books. The books she writes are nonfiction deep dives into political accounts and corruption.

Mayer currently contributes to The New Yorker where she covers politics, culture, and national security.

Her work does not go unnoticed, as Mayer has been a guest on the Late Show with David Letterman, PBS specials, and attended many panels for Universities such as Harvard. She has received many awards and accolades for her work on The Dark Side which was her third book detailing the war on terrorism and Islamic radicalism.

Her career is significant because her work is a true testament to muckraking, and sheds light on stories that the American public needs to be aware of. Her work at The New Yorker enables her to hold public officials accountable while showcasing the scandals for the public to scrutinize.

She is married to William Hamilton, who is also a journalist. Her husband is a former national editor for The Washington Post and former Washington editor for The New York Times. Together the Mayer's have one daughter.


  1. Great choice! Jane Mayer is a true muckraker in the best sense of that term. She has broken so many important stories through the years. Suggestion: Mention one or two of the big scoops she is known for and link to at least one story by Mayer. For example, you could turn the title of her book The Dark Side into a link to the book on Amazon. Keep going!


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