Partisan Press

When analyzing the past and the partisan press that was present, I found it beneficial to have independently owned media that overtly maintained a biased opinion. While I do not believe that this is good journalism, due to the fact that it is not objective and does not represent all sides, I feel that it eliminates the claims of fake news. 

I say this because by knowing the stance that an outlet holds on certain subjects it would not be a source of knowledge for certain individuals. This does complicate the issue however because the certain individuals who only support that partisan outlet would then only be versed on one single side of stories. 

I found the political cartoon below which shows a current issue that our press is dealing with today. There are certain outlets that seem to have a partisan bias even though they are marketing as unbiased.

Image result for partisan press political cartoons

I feel that there are a lot of similarities in today's press after learning more about the partisan press of the past. This inevitably is a bad thing because the media outlets claim they are unbiased and nonpartisan. As the end of the article stated, I believe it would be fine if an outlet claimed to represent a political view but they would have to overtly say so. 

Currently it seems as if the outlets are trying to snake around the idea that they lean one way or the other even though it is pretty obvious with major networks like Fox and CNN that they support opposing views. This also affects the audience they attract and results in people who claim that fake news is rampant. It's due to the independent media that acts as if they were controlled by specific individuals or organizations. 

I think by having partisan press it would allow people to see those media reports in the light of specific partisans which would cut back on the "fake news" and would turn more towards opinion news. I still would advocate there is a major need for nonpartisan independent press which focuses on objective stories and reports on the truth by analyzing all sides of the story. We are definitely amidst a tricky time where the press and media are constantly scrutinized for the work they do as "independent" companies. 
